Transcript: Central Pennsylvania Fishing Report with TCO Fly Shop State College

S6, Ep 6: Central Pennsylvania Fishing Report with TCO Fly Shop

S6, Ep 6: Central Pennsylvania Fishing Report with TCO Fly Shop

2024, Marvin S. Cash
The Articulate Fly


[0:04] Hey folks, it's Marvin Cash, the host of the Articulate Fly, and we're back with the first Central PA Fishery Reporter of the Year with George Costa of TCO Fly Shop and State College. George, how you doing?

[0:14] I'm amazing as always, Marvin. How are you?

[0:16] As always, I'm just trying to stay out of trouble. Was Santa Claus good to you?

[0:21] Yeah, she was very nice to me. I got a pony and a fire truck.

[0:25] That's awesome. What did you name your pony?

[0:28] Mr. Pickles, of course.

[0:30] There you go. Well, I'm glad you have a pony because given all the weather that moved through central PA, you won't be on the water for a while.

[0:40] It's true. We're just doing pony rides around here now. So, yeah, this past week we got pounded with that big storm that moved over the whole East Coast.
So everything right now is pretty much tracked.
Don't expect a lot of fishing on the bigger creeks for at least another few days, three, four, possibly even five.
Smaller creeks should be coming back into shape um barring much more precipitation um i think spring creek will probably be back to fishable levels in another 48 hours or so once it drops below 200 cfs still above 300 as of this morning uh but you know 150 to 200 cfs and it'll clear up a little bit so spring creek should be fishable in a couple of days um and just kind of kind of shape up and see what that's going to look like but everything else is going to be a while till So that kind of clears out, which is not necessarily the worst thing because there's not an awful lot happening.
We are getting some really cold weather again coming up this weekend.
There's supposed to be some more snow in the forecast.
Temps are dropping a lot. So kind of a good time to be blown out.
And it's definitely time to tit at the vice and kind of restock for the coming season because there's not an awful lot of activity going on on the streams right now.

[1:49] Yeah. Speaking of, have you got any kind of cool materials or tools in the shop you want to let folks know about?

[1:55] Um, nothing amazing, but we are getting some really interesting new things in this, uh, this season here. We've just got a bunch of new stuff from MFC.
They've got some really cool, um, new feathers and, and stuff like that to tie with. They're starting to do the whiting 100 packs.
MFC kind of took that over. So we've got those new 100 packs of the bunch of great colors in store.
Now we've got some new material coming in. I've got stuff trickling in.
So, you know, good time to just kind of mess around the device and try some new patterns and, you know, mess with some new hooks and just kind of, you know, the boxes refilled for, you know, in a couple of months.

[2:27] Yeah, there you go. And I would imagine you probably, you know, TCO is going to be on the show circuit. I bet you have a bunch of classes going on in the store too, right?

[2:35] Yeah, we do. We got a couple of fun events coming up here. We do have the New Jersey show coming up at the end of the month and Lancaster is in March.
We've got our brewing bugs here. It's a great tying event. We're doing some stoneflies Thursday, the 25th of January up at Axman Brewing here in State College.
So if anybody up here in the central PA region's got time to go to that event that's going to be a lot of fun check out our website for that uh we still have a couple of other classes time classes coming up in the next few weeks you can check out the tco website for that um and you know some good classes coming up for spring we've always got our euro nymph class and beginners classes for those of you that want to really kind of get more into the sport and learn how to do it those are always great things to sign up for and guide season is fastly approaching so anybody thinking about doing a guided trip up here give me a call and get on the book now because we are starting to fill up for our guide season for the 2024 year yeah got it and speaking about filling up uh did you completely deplete your supply of blackberry brandy, It's long gone. I drank that last week.

[3:39] So what is the tipple of choice for 2024 that people that want to ingratiate themselves to George Costas should bring you?

[3:45] Oh my gosh, I don't know. I don't know. Pedialyte and smearing off vodka sounds great to me.

[3:54] We may want to do a GoFundMe for your rehab, George.

[3:58] Possibly. It could be possible intervention coming.

[4:01] There you go. Well, you know, we're at the beginning of 2024, and we promised that we were going to draw for the winner from, you know, everyone that sends in a question.
If we use your question, we put you in the big Google number generator, and we draw for a prize.
And before I give you the name, George, you want to let folks know what they're going to win?

[4:20] Sure. Every year we like to do a little TCO swag prize pack, a gift card for the shop or online.
And, you know, our many thanks for taking the time to ask those questions and listen to me rant every couple of weeks with Marvin here.

[4:34] There you go. And the winner is, and this is one of our frequent flyers, his name is Brenner Johnson.
And Brenner is probably our most regular question asker. So congratulations, Brenner. If you reach out and ask for George at the TCO Fly Shopping State College, he will hook you up.
And folks, we're in kind of that little doldrum after the holidays.
And, you know, you've got dry January, but you also probably have no fishing January unless you're going steelheading.
So, you know, spend some time at the Vice. Check out your local fly fishing show. And I want to wish everybody a happy new year. Happy new year, George.

[5:08] Happy new year, Mark. Happy new year.
Marvin CashComment